Patient booking in for tooth coloured fillings with Secret Harbour Dental

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Flawless Tooth Coloured Fillings

Secret Harbour Dental has been providing exceptional service to our Secret Harbour community for over thirteen years. With a team of experienced, trustworthy dentists, we’re proud to provide tooth coloured fillings to fulfil and exceed the expectations of our happy customers. Whether you’re a new, or returning patient, you will always be welcome at Secret Harbour Dental. Give us a call on (08) 9523 4093 or book an appointment here to secure your spot.

What are Fillings?

Dental fillings help to repair and disguise damaged teeth that may have been impacted by tooth decay or infection. Coloured to match your natural teeth, fillings offer an excellent, discrete repair solution. As a digitalised practice, Secret Harbour Dental prides itself on providing you with the highest standard of care through its commitment to excellence in modern and cosmetic dentistry. As a preferred provider for HBF, Medibank and BUPA, Secret Harbour Dental provides a variety of tooth-coloured filling alternatives to suit your needs. Speak to our friendly team today to see how we can help.

Patient visiting Secret Harbour Dental for Tooth Coloured Fillings Perth

A Variety of Fillings To Suit Everyone

  • Porcelain Fillings: Porcelain fillings are an excellent alternative for those seeking a more natural looking, long-wearing result. Matched to the natural colour of your teeth, they give your smile a naturally bright appearance. They mimic the translucency and opacity of enamel perfectly and won’t stain or need replacement for long periods of time.”
  • Composite Fillings: Composite fillings, also known as tooth-coloured fillings, consist of a mixture of powdered glass and plastic. Due to their near-invisible nature, composite fillings are a popular choice with our patients as they blend seamlessly with the existing teeth. 
  • Fissure Sealants: A fissure sealant involves coating the grooves of the teeth with a white (or clear) sealant. Fissure sealant protect the surface from tooth decay by forming a protective barrier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which type of filling is best suited to my lifestyle?

If you’re uncertain on which type of filling would be best suited to you, speak to our team of professionals at Secret Harbour Dental. We’ll talk you through the process and help you decide the best alternative.

Are fillings discrete?

Secret Harbour Dental works with a variety of filling alternatives. Our composite, porcelain and fissure seals provide a discrete, tooth coloured filling alternative that’s near invisible to the naked eye.

How long does a filling last for?

The lifespan of your fillings are strongly dependent on the alternative you choose. Generally speaking, fillings can last up to fifteen years, whereas porcelain and tooth-coloured fillings can last a lifetime if cared for properly.

Are fillings painful?

No, tooth-coloured fillings from Secret Harbour Dental should not be painful. If you’re nervous for your appointment, speak to our friendly team of dentists to see how we can help to put you at ease.

Do I need health insurance before booking in for tooth-coloured fillings?

Absolutely not. We offer a variety of interest free payment plans and can recommend payment solutions like ZipPay, Afterpay and more if you’re in need of fillings.

I’m scared of dental treatment as I’ve had bad experiences. What should I do?

If visiting the dentist makes you anxious, please speak to our team to see how we can help. Most of the time, our nervous patients are put at ease after their initial consultation. If this hasn’t helped, we offer sedation dentistry and are highly trained at helping anxious patients.