Dental Implants

Achieve Your Dream Smile

Whether you have damaged, loose or missing teeth – speak to our team of expert dentists at Secret Harbour Dental to see how we can help. Our dental implants are an affordable, sustainable solution that can help you achieve your dream smile, no matter the condition of your current teeth. After all, dentistry is about so much more than just healthy teeth & gums. It’s about how you function and most importantly, how you feel about yourself.

Exceptional Results

A dental implant procedure involves replacing a missing tooth/teeth, through a minor operation. Dental implants are ‘screw like’ creations consisting of titanium and a dental crown that is created to match your natural smile. Implants are ideal for those wanting to replace one or multiple missing teeth, given they are not currently experiencing gum disease or have pre-existing conditions that may impact the healing process. 

Words That Left a Smile On Our Face

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do dental implants last for?

If well taken care of, dental implants can last a lifetime. As a low maintenance, discrete and durable option, dental implants by Secret Harbour Dental can help you restore a bright, beautiful and healthy smile.

Do dental implants look natural?

Yes, Secret Harbour’s dental implants are designed to mimic the look and feel of a natural smile. As a permanent dental alternative, implants are by far the most natural looking way to repair your teeth.

How long is the process of getting dental implants in Perth?

Generally speaking, the timeframe is around six months. This allows our expert team at Secret Harbour Dental to craft and create a natural looking smile that you’ll be proud to show off.

Do I need health insurance before booking in for implants?

Absolutely not. We offer a variety of interest free payment plans and can recommend payment solutions like Afterpay, Denticare and more if you’re interested.

I’m interested in implants but hesitant as it seems quite traumatic. What would you recommend?

Implants have come a long way and they are an amazing way to restore your smile and mimic the lost tooth structure, providing a fake root for the new ceramic crown to sit on. If you’re interested, feel free to pop in to Secret Harbour Dental or give us a ring and we’ll be happy to explain everything to you.