Ceramic Crowns & Veneers

Restore a Confident Smile with our Crowns & Veneers

As we age, its natural for our teeth to slightly deteriorate or weaken. This can be caused by a range of factors from tooth decay, to physical injuries or natural wear and tear. If youre looking to restore your confident smile, look no further than Secret Harbour Dental.

Ceramic Crowns & Veneers are two popular alternatives typically used to restore the look of healthy teeth. A veneer is a very thin layer of material (typically porcelain) that is attached to the visible portion of your tooth, whereas a crown is created to cover the whole tooth. Speak to our friendly team if you’d like to know what we’d recommend for you.

Advantages of Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are an excellent option for those looking to restore their smile in a natural, discrete manner. Ceramic crowns can…

  1. Enhance and disguise broken or damaged teeth
  2. Mimic the look of a natural tooth
  3. Be tailored just for you, vulnerable or root canal treated tooth
  4. Provide ongoing protection for a vulnerable tooth

Secret Harbour’s Most Trusted Dentist

Dental crowns can be made from a variety of different materials, each with their own benefits. Ceramic crowns, however, provide the most discrete, natural solution for those in need of dental work. As a long-lasting, natural looking alternative, wed recommend speaking to our friendly team of dentists at Secret Harbour Dental if youd like to know more.

What’s the Ceramic Crown Process Like?

Generally, those in need of ceramic crowns will require at least two appointments. Throughout the first appointment, we’ll prepare the tooth that’s in need of a ceramic crown. If your tooth is at risk of decay or infection, you may require a root canal treatment, however, this is determined on a case by case basis. 

Next, the chosen tooth will be filed down to make space for the crown cover. After your tooth has been shaped, we’ll create an impression of your tooth in order to craft the ceramic crown. On your second visitor, we will secure the ceramic crown over your tooth and ensure that the new crown not only fits well, but looks great.

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Advantages of Porcelain Veneers

Bonded directly to your teeth, porcelain veneers offer a discrete, flawless cover for a variety of dental concerns. Porcelain Veneers can.. 

  1. Disguise cosmetic issues including chips, cracks and discolouration
  2. Resolve unwanted gaps and rotated or misaligned teeth
  3. Resist stains, making them easy to manage and care for

Book a Consultation

If youre interested in learning more about how Crowns & Veneers can help you, book a consultation with our team of friendly dentists today. Working closely with our team of expert dentists, well craft crowns and veneers that fit perfectly with your smile. This process takes into consideration your complexion, gender, age and facial structure – so you can rest assured that your ceramic crowns or porcelain veneers will be exactly what youve dreamed of. Once complete, well arm you with all the necessary information needed to ensure the durability of your smile. Secret Harbour Dental has helped hundreds of individuals create a smile that makes them feel happy, healthy & confident. If youre looking for an incredible result, speak to Dr. Azita and the team at Secret Harbour Dental today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do ceramic crowns last?

If you’re in need of a ceramic crown, we highly recommend speaking to our friendly team of dentists at Secret Harbour Dental. Ceramic crowns can last forever, providing they’re well they are looked after. This includes maintaining strong oral hygiene, visiting the dentist regularly and avoiding chewing or biting hard foods.

Do dental crowns hurt?

Getting a ceramic crown should be a pain free experience. Before going ahead, we will numb your mouth to ensure the process is comfortable for you.

Do I need health insurance before booking in for ceramic crowns?

Absolutely not. We offer a variety of interest free payment plans and can recommend payment solutions including Afterpay, Denticare and more.

I’m scared of dental treatment as I’ve had bad experiences. What should I do?

If visiting the dentist makes you anxious, please speak to our team to see how we can help. Most of the time, our nervous patients are put at ease after their initial consultation. If this hasn’t helped, we offer sedation dentistry and are highly trained at helping anxious patients.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin, white & shell-like coverings that are bonded to your teeth to disguise discoloured, misaligned or damaged teeth. They provide a long-term dental solution that covers undesirable visual tooth traits and gives patients a bright, white smile.

How long do Porcelain Veneers last for?

Our veneers last for around ten to fifteen years. This timeline is highly dependent on the amount of dental care the patient receives post veneers and the oral hygiene standards followed. We recommend regular check-ups to ensure they’re being well cared for by our friendly Secret Harbour dentists.

Do Porcelain Veneers look real?

Yes, our veneers are highly discrete as we take into consideration our patients gender, complexion, natural smile, and facial structure. This helps to ensure the final result is seamless, beautiful and beyond the initial expectations of the client.

Why trust Secret Harbour Dental for veneers?

Secret Harbour Dental has proudly offered over thirteen years of personalised patient care, excellent service & quality results. Our team of expert dentists have helped hundreds of individuals throughout Australia feel confident in their smiles and we know we can achieve the same for you. Book in for a veneer consultation with our team at Secret Harbour Dental today.